Morning Glory Fizzy Soda Float Salts 30ml


Fizzy Soda Float Salts 30ml

Only available in 20mg, 35mg and 50mg nicotine in a convenient 30ml bottle.

These Soda Float nicsalts are out of this world! You’ve never had a vape quite like this one before!

EAN: 2000000181196 SKU: 18119 Category: Tag:

Morning Glory Fizzy Soda Float Salts 30ml

Morning Glory Fizzy Soda Float by Coil Company:

  • Available in 20mg, 35mg & 50mg only

A delicious and classic soda float like you have never vaped before!

What are you waiting for?

Ratio: 70/30

  • Available Sizes: 30ml Chubby Gorilla Bottle

This Juice is inspired and produced by the coil company.

Striving for a great tasting juice with the best coils in the industry.


Morning Glory


Morning Glory

Product Nicotine Strength

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